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Exam Palo Alto Networks Certified Detection and Remediation Analyst
Number PCDRA
File Name Palo Alto Networks.PCDRA.VCEplus.2023-12-22.41q.tqb
Size 407 KB
Posted Dec 22, 2023
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Question 1

Phishing belongs to which of the following MITRE ATT&CK tactics?

  1. Initial Access, Persistence
  2. Persistence, Command and Control
  3. Reconnaissance, Persistence
  4. Reconnaissance, Initial Access
Correct answer: D
Phishing is a technique that belongs to two MITRE ATT&CK tactics: Reconnaissance and Initial Access. Reconnaissance is the process of gathering information about a target before launching an attack. Phishing for information is a sub-technique of Reconnaissance that involves sending phishing messages to elicit sensitive information that can be used during targeting. Initial Access is the process of gaining a foothold in a network or system. Phishing is a sub-technique of Initial Access that involves sending phishing messages to execute malicious code on victim systems. Phishing can be used for both Reconnaissance and Initial Access depending on the objective and content of the phishing message.Reference:Phishing, Technique T1566 - Enterprise | MITRE ATT&CK1Phishing for Information, Technique T1598 - Enterprise | MITRE ATT&CK2Phishing for information, Part 2: Tactics and techniques3PHISHING AND THE MITREATT&CK FRAMEWORK - EnterpriseTalk4Initial Access, Tactic TA0001 - Enterprise | MITRE ATT&CK5
Phishing is a technique that belongs to two MITRE ATT&CK tactics: Reconnaissance and Initial Access. Reconnaissance is the process of gathering information about a target before launching an attack. Phishing for information is a sub-technique of Reconnaissance that involves sending phishing messages to elicit sensitive information that can be used during targeting. Initial Access is the process of gaining a foothold in a network or system. Phishing is a sub-technique of Initial Access that involves sending phishing messages to execute malicious code on victim systems. Phishing can be used for both Reconnaissance and Initial Access depending on the objective and content of the phishing message.Reference:
Phishing, Technique T1566 - Enterprise | MITRE ATT&CK1
Phishing for Information, Technique T1598 - Enterprise | MITRE ATT&CK2
Phishing for information, Part 2: Tactics and techniques3
Initial Access, Tactic TA0001 - Enterprise | MITRE ATT&CK5

Question 2

When creating a BIOC rule, which XQL query can be used?

  1. dataset = xdr_data | filter event_sub_type = PROCESS_START and action_process_image_name ~= '.*?\.(?:pdf|docx)\.exe'
  2. dataset = xdr_data | filter event_type = PROCESS and event_sub_type = PROCESS_START and action_process_image_name ~= '.*?\.(?:pdf|docx)\.exe'
  3. dataset = xdr_data | filter action_process_image_name ~= '.*?\.(?:pdf|docx)\.exe' | fields action_process_image
  4. dataset = xdr_data | filter event_behavior = true event_sub_type = PROCESS_START and action_process_image_name ~= '.*?\.(?:pdf|docx)\.exe'
Correct answer: B
A BIOC rule is a custom detection rule that uses the Cortex Query Language (XQL) to define the behavior or actions that indicate a potential threat. A BIOC rule can use the xdr_data and cloud_audit_log datasets and presets for these datasets. A BIOC rule can also use the filter stage, alter stage, and functions without any aggregations in the XQL query. The query must return a single field named action_process_image, which is the process image name of the suspicious process. The query must also include the event_type and event_sub_type fields in the filter stage to specify the type and sub-type of the event that triggers the rule.Option B is the correct answer because it meets all the requirements for a valid BIOC rule query. It uses the xdr_data dataset, the filter stage, the event_type and event_sub_type fields, and the action_process_image_name field with a regular expression to match any process image name that ends with .pdf.exe or .docx.exe, which are common indicators of malicious files.Option A is incorrect because it does not include the event_type field in the filter stage, which is mandatory for a BIOC rule query.Option C is incorrect because it does not include the event_type and event_sub_type fields in the filter stage, and it uses the fields stage, which is not supported for a BIOC rule query. It also returns the action_process_image field instead of the action_process_image_name field, which is the expected output for a BIOC rule query.Option D is incorrect because it uses the event_behavior field, which is not supported for a BIOC rule query. It also does not include the event_type field in the filter stage, and it uses the event_sub_type field incorrectly. The event_sub_type field should be equal to PROCESS_START, not true.Working with BIOCsCortex Query Language (XQL) Reference
A BIOC rule is a custom detection rule that uses the Cortex Query Language (XQL) to define the behavior or actions that indicate a potential threat. A BIOC rule can use the xdr_data and cloud_audit_log datasets and presets for these datasets. A BIOC rule can also use the filter stage, alter stage, and functions without any aggregations in the XQL query. The query must return a single field named action_process_image, which is the process image name of the suspicious process. The query must also include the event_type and event_sub_type fields in the filter stage to specify the type and sub-type of the event that triggers the rule.
Option B is the correct answer because it meets all the requirements for a valid BIOC rule query. It uses the xdr_data dataset, the filter stage, the event_type and event_sub_type fields, and the action_process_image_name field with a regular expression to match any process image name that ends with .pdf.exe or .docx.exe, which are common indicators of malicious files.
Option A is incorrect because it does not include the event_type field in the filter stage, which is mandatory for a BIOC rule query.
Option C is incorrect because it does not include the event_type and event_sub_type fields in the filter stage, and it uses the fields stage, which is not supported for a BIOC rule query. It also returns the action_process_image field instead of the action_process_image_name field, which is the expected output for a BIOC rule query.
Option D is incorrect because it uses the event_behavior field, which is not supported for a BIOC rule query. It also does not include the event_type field in the filter stage, and it uses the event_sub_type field incorrectly. The event_sub_type field should be equal to PROCESS_START, not true.
Working with BIOCs
Cortex Query Language (XQL) Reference

Question 3

Which built-in dashboard would be the best option for an executive, if they were looking for the Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR) metric?

  1. Security Manager Dashboard
  2. Data Ingestion Dashboard
  3. Security Admin Dashboard
  4. Incident Management Dashboard
Correct answer: D
The Incident Management Dashboard provides a high-level overview of the incident response process, including the Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR) metric. This metric measures the average time it takes to resolve an incident from the moment it is created to the moment it is closed. The dashboard also shows the number of incidents by status, severity, and assigned analyst, as well as the top alerts by category, source, and destination. The Incident Management Dashboard is designed for executives and managers who want to monitor the performance and efficiency of their security teams.Reference: [PCDRA Study Guide], page 18.
The Incident Management Dashboard provides a high-level overview of the incident response process, including the Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR) metric. This metric measures the average time it takes to resolve an incident from the moment it is created to the moment it is closed. The dashboard also shows the number of incidents by status, severity, and assigned analyst, as well as the top alerts by category, source, and destination. The Incident Management Dashboard is designed for executives and managers who want to monitor the performance and efficiency of their security teams.Reference: [PCDRA Study Guide], page 18.





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